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11 results
Flags of the EU in Brussels
26. September 2024
New Gas Directive and Regulation – what’s in it for DSOs?
Ready4H2 Workshop #2
25. September 2024
Ready4H2 Steering Committee meets to develop its research in Phase 3
Meeting in Paris to review the work done to date and take stock of what needs to be done for the rest of the year
two persons holding two brochures
26. Juni 2024
Two new Brochures published
on the role of hydrogen and gas infrastructure in reducing the CO2 footprint from energy
Gasleitungen auf einer Wiese
03. August 2023
Market dialogue: 87 percent of the hydrogen production is expected to be transported by pipelines
A market dialogue about hydrogen shows a large need for hydrogen infrastructure
Windräder vor blauem Himmel
03. August 2023
Evida will be responsible for connecting domestic hydrogen producers and consumers
The division of roles for the future hydrogen infrastructure in Denmark has been decided
Windräder im Abendlicht
20. Juni 2023
Real Projects for a Successful Launch of Hydrogen
“Germany's energy supply is to be independent, diversified and climate-neutral – and that within the space of a few years.”
Auf Bodenhöhe fotografierter Waldweg an einem Sonnentag
24. April 2023
Ready4H2 supports the work towards realising the potential of the hydrogen transition in Europe
The EU prides itself on being a bold climate leader with the aim of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050
Blauer Himmel mit Schleierwolken
17. April 2023
Alliander went live with their hydrogen project
12 homes heated with hydrogen
Sommerwiese mit blühendem Löwenzahn
19. Januar 2023
Evida starts feasibility study of two hydrogen pipes
A study looks at the economic and technical aspects of building a pipeline on two specific lines
Irisierende Wolke am blauen Himmel
06. Januar 2023
Italgas fully digital networks and the power to gas project on Sardinia
75.000-kilometer infrastructure close to being digitalized in Italy
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