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Flags of the EU in Brussels

26. September 2024

New Gas Directive and Regulation – what’s in it for DSOs?

Ready4H2 Workshop #2
European flags in Brussels; by NakNakNak via

On 10 September, Ready4H2 held its second workshop focusing on the recent updates to the 2009 Gas Package (the Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package), specifically the Gas Directive and Gas Regulation. Updates were shared with Ready4H2 Members, awareness of the impacts to distribution system operators (DSO) was raised, and ways to influence the regulator to minimise impacts was discussed.

Eva Hennig, head of EU energy policy with Thüga provided an in-depth analysis of the Directive and Regulation, highlighting key articles that may affect DSO operations. She also explored what steps are needed next to transpose the legislation in EU Member States, and the vital role that DSOs can play in this. 

Grzegorz Pawelec, Director, Regulatory & Market Intelligence with Hydrogen Europe provided an update on the status of the upcoming Delegated Act on Low-Carbon Fuels, sharing the main concerns identified in the leaked draft paper, and offering recommendations. A more detailed position paper from Hydrogen Europe is available (here) for those seeking further insight. 

Germany’s approach to implementing the new legislation, along with multiple other initiatives and policy that aims to advance hydrogen development, was presented by Andreas Schick, Managing Director, Netze Südwest.  He emphasised that the financial models are not ideal and more needs to be done to encourage investment.

The workshop provided a valuable platform for members to keep up to date with these important developments from Brussels, ask questions and share experiences specific to their countries. In a roundtable, Ready4H2 country representatives on the Steering Committee shared the status of legislative implementation in their country. A summary of the discussion and the key issues is available to Ready4H2 Members.