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18. September 2024

Ready4H2 Director Moderates Key Session on Hydrogen at Gastech in Houston

Ready4H2 Director and fellow panellists; © Ready4H2

Barbara Jinks, Director of Ready4H2, took part in the 2024 Gastech conference in Houston where she moderated an engaging session on hydrogen storage, transportation and mobility. 

Barbara highlighted the critical role of gas distribution systems in delivering hydrogen and the opportunities for distribution grid operators to transform their operations to hydrogen. With fellow panellists David Creech (CB&I), Christian Cosack (Uniper Energy), Mona Setoodah (CH-IV International) and Bart Sowa (GTI Energy), she managed a discussion on innovative projects including aboveground cryogenic tanks, underground hydrogen storage and how to manage blends in LNG production gas feedstock. 

Additionally, the status of H2LA, the planned hydrogen truck refuel corridor between Houston and LA, was presented – a project with significant emission reductions, the likes of which are sorely needed in Europe. 

In case of questions please do not hesitate to contact
Barbara Jinks